Course | Category | Length |
Motivating Team Members This course helps managers learn the four stages to influence a team member to perform a task, while creating a work environment that will motivate higher performance. Throughout the workshop managers and team leaders will participate in reading, discussion, assessments, diagnostics, small group exercises and rehearsal modeling with real life situations, and facilitator coaching. Full description
| Leadership | 4-hour workshop designed for 6-18 employees
Hiring Winning Talent This course enables managers to implement a structured process that can really streamline and empower successful hiring. The program also focuses on the key skills required to interview candidates and ways to build team cohesion by involving team members in the hiring initiative. Full description
| Leadership | 1-day workshop designed for 6–18 employees
Developing & Coaching Others Developing and Coaching Others is about how managers can effectively and successfully develop and coach their team members to become better and more consistent performers. The program will help your managers learn the specifics of how they can effectively impact the learning process and coaching moments of their teams to make the difference. Full description
| Leadership | 4 hour workshop designed for 6–18 employees
Essential Skills of Leadership Essential Skills of Leadership builds a foundation that enables team leaders to manage their team toward to a shared goal: achieving the organization's strategic objectives. Throughout the workshop participants will review video presentations and case studies, participate in group discussions, practice new skills and receive immediate feedback. Full description
| Leadership | 4-5 hour workshop designed for 6–18 employees
Essential Skills of Communicating Essential Skills of Communicating helps managers learn the latest techniques in developing effective communication skills - improving their performance and increasing the productivity of the team and the organization. Full description
| Leadership | 4-5 hour workshop designed for 6–18 employees
Developing Performance Goals and Standards Unless managers and team leaders are successful in spelling out the organization’s specific goals, their team members are not going to know how to meet those objectives. This module shows trainees how to establish specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-framed performance goals. It then illustrates the steps that gain team member agreement and commitment to those performance goals. Full description
| Leadership | 4 hour workshop designed for 6–18 employees
Providing Performance Feedback This module shows the way evaluation is done by the experts. First, relevant performance standards are established. Then the team member's own performance evaluation is solicited. This accomplished, the stage is set for a summary evaluation that will be clear and credible to the team member. Full description
| Leadership | 4-5 hour workshop designed for 6–18 employees
Delegating Delegating helps managers master the skills needed to effectively assign work to others. By clearly communicating expectations and encouraging participation and involvement, managers can use delegating to develop team members' skills and abilities. Full description
| Personal Performance | 4 hour workshop designed for 6–18 employees
Communicating Up Most managers and team leaders realize the importance of upward communication, but few accept the responsibility for the quality and effectiveness of communicating with their own managers. Managers and team leaders will learn how to frame communication so that a desired result is achieved. Full description
| Leadership | 4 hour workshop designed for 6–18 employees
Supporting Change Supporting Change helps managers learn to understand and to interpret change. By understanding it, managers can more clearly communicate change to their team. This clear communication helps to reduce misunderstanding and anxiety. It also helps the change initiative gain acceptance more quickly – minimizing lost productivity and decreased performance. Full description
| Leadership | 4 hour workshop designed for 6–18 employees
Managing Complaints Managing Complaints (MC) provides managers with the tools necessary to approach complaints in a way that is supportive of employee and team goals. This module shows how to resolve simple complaints and identify the hidden agendas that so often underlie the chronic grievances.
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| Leadership | 4 hour workshop designed for 6–18 employees
Number Skills Number Skills ® uses visual and listening exercises to enable the rapid and accurate perception of numbers and letter/number combinations. Feedback from hundreds of individuals helped identify various tools and techniques that increase efficiency and accuracy for those in positions that involve number transfer.
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| Ind. Performance | 8 hour workshop
Leading Successful Projects Leading Successful Projects enables managers to identify and work with the key variables that impact how projects are defined, planned and implemented. The program also focuses on the interpersonal skills managers must use to win and maintain the commitment, enthusiasm and support of the project team.
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| Leadership | 16 hour workshop
Proofmatics Proofamatics delivers measurable improvement in finding errors. Proofamatics trainees average a 29% increase in their proofreading skills from pre-test to post-test. In addition, the organization will benefit from increased productivity and reduced costs. Any employee who generates or processes written communications will benefit.
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| Ind. Performance | 10 hour workshop
Coaching Job Skills Coaching Job Skills helps managers learn how to effectively coach individuals through a process of observation, analysis and communication. By carefully planning one-on-one discussions, managers can have the greatest impact and gain individual commitment to achieving results.
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| Leadership | 4 hour workshop
Retaining Winning Talent Retaining Winning Talent is an 8-hour workshop that focuses on one of the most important assets of any organization – its team leaders and their impact on retaining key team members. The program provides skills, tools, and a research-based approach that helps team leaders rate the attrition risk of each team member,surface individual team members’ retention needs, increase the level of commitment from each team member, and, most importantly, develop and implement a Retention Action Plan designed to increase retention for the entire team.
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| Leadership | 8 hour workshop
Developing & Coaching Others Senior Management Version Developing and Coaching Others is about how managers can effectively and successfully develop and coach their team leaders to become better and more consistent performers. The program will help your managers learn the specifics of how they can effectively impact the learning process and coaching moments of their teams to make the difference.
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| Leadership | 8 hour workshop